Friday, May 12, 2006

Cheap Gas is Gone Forver

We need to get over it. Europe has been paying these high prices for a long time, however, their prices have been high due to taxes. The problems are too many people (countries) chasing too few barrels of crude. That may be a very simplified version of the problem, but it is only going to get worse as more and more of the developing countries' appetites increase for energy.

Then there is the 'greed' factor. As long as people are willing to pay for energy the prices will not go down. This will cause the divide between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' to grow wider. The obscene profits by the major oil companies shows just what the greed factor is about. They have us all just where they want us. We are too dependant on our gas gulping cars and ever more electronic goodies that need more and more energy. It isn't just the oil companies, it is the oil-rich countries as well.

There is also the undisputable fact that there is only so much oil on this planet and sooner or later it is going to be (gasp) gone. Finished! Caput! No more! We need to be furiously looking for alternative energy sources and economical ways to make them available to everyone, including the 'have nots'. If the major oil companies would invest just a fraction of those obscene profits into research, it might happen, but I'm not sure they will. But when the oil is gone, the profits be gone as well.

I know it is popular to blame the President, Congress or whoever is in charge for the high price of fuel. The last time I checked, they have no control over what the price of crude may be at any time. True, some of the policies set by government probably have an impact on prices, but I really don't think it is the government's fault that gas is so high priced. I don't think it is their fault that we had so many hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, etc., either!


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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mr. or Mrs. Know-it-all

At some time or other, almost everyone has had a Mr or Mrs Know-it-all in their life. It could be a family member or a co-worker or maybe just a casual acquaintance. However or whenever, this person can be very obnoxious and irritating to most folks.

I had a family member that was a 'know-it-all'. If you found a bargain, she found a better one. If you had a good experience, she had a one just like it, only better. If you had a bad day, she had a worse one. If you just learned something, she couldn't believe you didn't know that! The rest of the family tolerated her, well, because she was 'Family'! For me she is now no longer a member of my family, but that's another story.

Occasionally, a 'know-it-all' will be on an email list or group. Eventually, the 'know-it-all' cause so many complaints that the list or group either dies or the 'know-it-all' is removed. That's too bad, because this one probably needs to be
accepted and could provide assistance and knowledge if it was presented in a manner other than 'know-it-all'.

Sometimes we encounter a 'know-it-all' that really doesn't know it all or anything at all, just pretends to 'know'. Unfortunately this can lead to problems if this individual makes people believe what he/she says. This can lead to more problems for those who believe everything the 'know-it-all' says.

Why do people become 'know-it-alls'? Probably because they are insecure individuals desperate for attention. They probably mean well, they just don't know how to get the attention they want any other way. They may think because they have 'an answer' for everything, folks will admire them and give them the attention they seek, while in reality they are having the opposite effect.


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