Not all scams come in email or on the web. They come in the regular mail as well.
Today I got a 'bill' from 'Domain Registry of America'. These folks were kind enough to let me know one my domains is expiring and I should reply right away with the funds to keep it renewed. It all looked very official and legal.
Except, that domain doesn't need to renewed until December and this is July! They also think $35.00 a year is a good price, but I don't pay even half that amount and I don't have it registered at 'Domain Registry of America'!
What a scam. A Google search for this scuzzy scam brings up tons of sites and they are all complaining about this scam. Some of these folks sent them money, which is why they continue to try to scam folks with letters like the one I received today.
I tried to read all of the extremely fine print on the back of this renew an send money scam, but it was way too small. I tried with a strong magnifying glass and still couldn't read it all.
This scam has been around for quite awhile, but I guess there enough folks who fall for it so it just keeps going and going like the famous bunny.