Saturday, September 22, 2007

Candy Corn and Jelly Beans

I have a great big sweet tooth. (One of the reasons I don't seem to be able to lose weight!)

This time of the year the stores are already stocking the shelves with Halloween goodies and I just don't seem to be able to resist them. All the chocolate goodies, candy corn and jelly beans just seem to be calling my name as I walk down the candy aisle!

I don't dare buy my Trick or Treat candy too early or else I will have to buy more before Spooky Day arrives.

I have been reading food labels and making a real effort to buy food with healthy ingredients. It is hard sometimes to find food that doesn't
include plastic (partially hydrogenated oil) or high fructose corn syrup. Both of those ingredients are really bad for humans (the food industry is poisoning us), but I had been doing pretty good until that candy appeared on the shelves.

I am now almost broken hearted; I just read the ingredients on one of my favorite sweets, candy corn. It has the dreaded partially hydrogenated oil listed as one of the ingredients!

So now I have a real dilemma, enjoy with guilt my candy corn or suffer withdrawal while those around me indulge in my favorite sweet treat!

At least the jelly beans are OK even though they do have oh so much sugar in them.


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