Sunday, October 14, 2007

Do Blogs Live Forever?

I wonder about a lot of things. Anyone would think that at my age I should know at least some of the answers. There are a lot of things I do know, even about stuff not computer related. But of course there is more I don't know about everything.

For instance, I wonder about blogs. I guess what I mean is, I wonder about the Blog writers. Do they really pour their heart and soul into an online journal on the Internet for the entire world to see and read? Or do they just make up stuff because they think it sounds good?

I have had a blog on blogger for a long time. Most of what I posted there was of a 'gripe' nature, about rebates, hotlinking and just general computer stuff. I wrote most of those posts because I was upset or mad about events in my life. Some I wrote because I thought it might help someone else that could be having a problem with their computer.

I like to read other people's blogs. Some of them are written by people I have met through online Yahoo Groups. Some are helpful blogs and some are just entertaining. There are blogs that tell about their lives, like Ross's Blog. Others are sort of like mine, a bit of rant and rave. I think some blogs are just a way to vent and get stuff out of 'our systems'. I know some of my blog posts are like that. (Think rebates!)

One of the things I have been wondering about is how long will a blog stay on the web? I came across a blog earlier this year that was written by a man who has reached the ripe old age of 90+. Don is an incredible writer and has one of the most interesting blogs I have read. He thinks a lot about life and death and I certainly understand that! While I am not that old yet, I am not a youngster either, so I think about life and death as well although I try not to dwell on those subjects too much, especially death.

Getting back to Don's Blog; he hasn't posted anything since March. Given his age, you have to wonder "Is he still with us? Has he quit posting because of ill health or is he 'gone'?" I hope he is just taking a break from blogging.

That made me start wondering just how long a blog will exist on a site like Blogger? Anyone know?


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