Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nag, Nag, Nag

Last month I wrote about a magazine that keeps nagging me to re-subscribe. If this was just an isolated problem it wouldn't be so bad, but all my magazines are doing the same thing to a certain extent. Not as bad as Money, but they are wanting me to 'renew NOW'.

I keep a spreadsheet to let me know just when my subscriptions expire as I do tend to be a tad forgetful. Since I am sorta forgetful, I guess the magazine people must know that, but a reminder eight months before the expire date is a bit much.

The letters, cards and covers are all telling me I need to 'renew NOW'. If I don't 'renew NOW', I am going to miss out by not receiving every issue. I won't save money by not renewing 'NOW'.

News Flash! I will save more money by not renewing at all. (Maybe that will stop the nagging!)

I think every magazine there is wants me to subscribe as I am getting all these offers for 'Professional' rates. If I did take them up, I suspect I would start getting the letters to 'renew NOW'. No thanks, I will pass.

Magazines are not the only businesses that want me to 'renew NOW'. At least once a month I get a letter from a warranty company wanting me to renew my warranty on my car before it expires. (It actually expired three years ago.) Since my car is now officially five years old it might need some repairs one of these days. But I don't drive much any more (gas is so expensive!) and the car has less than 40,000 miles on it, so I am not going to renew the warranty 'NOW'. (Or ever.) If those repairs get too costly, well, I like new cars and they come with a warranty.

I guess all of these 'renew NOW' cards and letters are helping the Post Office pay their bills.

I can read just about everything I need to know on the Internet. I will save money and be 'Green' at the same time. The recycle bin will be less heavy when I push it to the curb. I am so excited! I can buy more software with all the money I will save by not renewing 'NOW'!

That will teach those 'renew NOW' folks not to be such a nag! (Just think of the postage they will save when they finally quit nagging me!)


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