Thursday, April 24, 2008

Captain Greg Wallace

Did you get an email from 'Captain Greg Wallace'? I got several of them this past week. I read the first one with some amusement and dismay.

The amusement was because it is just another play on the old Nigerian scam albeit a new version. The dismay because somewhere,
someone, will probably fall for this scam and lose a bunch of money.

The email doesn't ask for money, that no doubt will come as soon as the unwary victim responds to the email. Probably the request will be for 'expenses' or some other falsehood that requires money.

Supposedly the good Captain found a secret hoard while serving in Iraq. Being the good person he is, it was not reported to the
authorities, but was 'secured with a senior United Nation Diplomat in Amsterdam Holland'. He doesn't explain how he managed to get the box to Amsterdam. He's counting on greed to overcome omitting that little detail.

The nice little email is so full of spelling and grammar errors you just know he isn't using a spell check.

I wonder how many people will fall for this scam? I used to think no one would fall for this kind of scam, but I was wrong. PT Barnum
once reportedly said 'There's a sucker born every minute'. Unfortunately this is still true. Don't be one of those suckers, delete those
emails and forget about them.


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