Saturday, May 17, 2008

Is Your Cell Phone Attached to You?

Here's more proof I was born 40 years too soon!

People under 30 don't just sleepwalk, they use their cell phones in their sleep. If you don't believe me just 'Google' sleep texting.

That's something that I find hard to believe, but apparently it's true. The experts seem to think it's true. I am not so sure. I have heard that people have been know to drive, eat and do a lot of other things in their sleep. Since I don't have any of those problems as far as I know, it's hard for me to understand. (If I do those things in my sleep, how would I know?)

I just don't understand the need to be 'connected' at every waking moment. I do have a cell phone, but it's turned off most of the time. I have it for emergency use only.

The local news stations tell me I can access the weather news on my cell phone. Sounds handy, but I can do that on my computer. They say I can access the weather on my cell phone when the power goes off. I have a laptop and it runs off a battery when the power goes off.

Personally I don't want that phone to become like a third part of me. I already have a third extension; my computer! However, when I leave the house I leave the computer at home. If I decide to work in the yard (I do occasionally), the computer is in the house, not attached to my body.

When I go shopping I concentrate on shopping. When I go to bed I certainly don't take the cell phone to bed with me. I hear a lot of folks do that as well. When I am driving I need to be focused on where I am going and the traffic around me, not yapping on the phone.

Some jerk yapping on his phone changed lanes right in front of me once and I nearly hit him. He didn't use signals, just pulled over. I hit my brakes and horn at the same time. He just kept yakking. It's a good thing no one was tail-gateing me or I would have been hit from behind.

I don't have a problem with other people using cell phones where ever they may be, but I think they shouldn't use them while driving.

I told you I was born 40 years too soon. If I had been born 40 years later, I probably would have a cell phone attached to me somewhere, more than likely my ear!


1 comment:

Pat Geary said...

We are really behind the times - no cell phone and no cordless phone. Cordless phones do not seem to like our house, everyone complains they cannot hear us so we went back to landlines. My husband is extremely hard of hearing and wears hearing aids so he cannot hear on a regular phone. His audiologist recommended a speaker phone which helps.

As for cell phones, he has been hit twice while driving our car by students chatting away on cell phones. He was not hurt but the car was damaged. Our kids call us and they always seem to be calling from the cell phone while they are driving somewhere.

Thanks Martha, I always enjoy your thoughts.
