Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Microsoft Office Visio Viewer 2007

This program is not installed on my computer, yet Windows update showed I needed update KB973709 which is an update for Microsoft Office Visio Viewer 2007.

Thinking that it might be related to another MS Office product I selected all the Office updates to install and all of the Office updates failed. I tried several times and the updates always failed. So I downloaded each of the updates and installed them manually.  All installed except the KB973709, the Visio Viewer update. A search for the Visio Viewer confirmed it is not installed on my computer.

While searching for each update I found numerous entries for the failure of updates to install and they were all the same updates as the failures were for me.

Microsoft must have goofed on this update!

Fortunately I never install the Office updates when I install the Windows updates. I always install the Windows updates first. After they have installed and rebooted the system, I then go for the Office updates. The Windows updates installed just fine.

In order for Windows update to keep nagging me to install this update I had to hide it.  In the future I will check out those updates more carefully before installing them.  This 'goof' cost me a lot of frustration and time.


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