Well by now almost everyone who keeps up with what's happening on the Internet, knows that Google has updated it's privacy policy and Google is tracking you everywhere.
We shouldn't be surprised. I decided to fight back. I use Firefox as my default web browser and I installed a free add-on called 'Do Not Track Plus'.
It worked great, for awhile.
The first symptom of a problem was difficulty logging in to some sites like Barnes and Noble. After I eventually got logged in, then when I clicked the Buy now button for a product, nothing would happen. Nothing! Even if I changed to another browser!
Today I have been checking my website for valid links. I use a Firefox extension called LinkExtend to check for valid links as I have so many links throughout the site. LinkExtend kept hanging and I had to stop the process. I then noticed that every time the link checking stopped, it was for a Google site!
So I disabled the 'Do Not Track Plus' and everything is working just fine. It could be just a problem with the add-in causing the proble and it probably is, but this seems pretty odd to me and just maybe Google is fighting back in some way. Google is pretty sneaky, they even managed to do some nefarious bit with Safari.
So I will get even, Google! I just won't use your products much any more and those I do use will be while not signed in as I have been told this is when they track folks.
I know other services track me, but Google is just going too far! I guess they are trying to be like Facebook!
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