The Cloud, what is it really? It's just a big old server located who knows where. Who really has control over the server can be anyone of a number of companies, corporations or even individuals.
Your ISP has servers. They may own them or depending on the size of the ISP, could even rent space from some other entity.
Think you don't use the Cloud? If your email is in the Cloud, Yahoo, G-mail, Hotmail, etc. You DO use the Cloud. Even your mail with an ISP is in the Cloud. It's all on a server somewhere and it is being scanned. All the time. Normally the scanning is for keywords, either for advertising purposes or to be sure you are not misbehaving in some way.
Read what happened to this guy! And keep in mind, this was a PAID account. Here is another guy that lost his stuff in the Cloud! Microsoft Cloud Services Locks You Out Of Your Digital Life, Won’t Explain Why
If you keep your stuff online, better encrypt it. That should keep the powers that be from 'scanning' your stuff. Believe it, they DO scan it. And if they find something they don't like, well, 'Goodbye stuff'.
And don't forget about hackers! They can and do hack the Cloud, constantly. Everyday some site gets hacked and even though the site may deny it, your stuff is at risk!
If you really need to keep your email or other stuff in the Cloud for easy access from other locations, at least keep it all backed up somewhere close, like external media you can actually see and get your hands on it.
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