Lately, everywhere I look I see harbingers of doom, either on the Internet or on TV.
For instance in a recent newsletter there was this little tidbit to cheer me;
"One in 60 older people might have brain tumors: One in 60 older people may be walking around with benign brain tumors and don't know it. Even more may have bulging blood vessels in the head that could burst." Lovely. I am what is known as a senior.
"Peripheral Artery Disease Up Sharply Among U.S. Women: The condition, which is has no symptoms, can lead to heart attack and stroke." Wonderful. I am a woman.
The nightly news is also full of sweet tidbits. A lot of our food is contaminated with e-coli which can sometimes kill folks and superbugs are going to kill us if we get sick and have to go to the hospital. Nice. Hopefully I won't get sick.
We have to take the toys away from the kids. They are contaminated with lead if they were made in China. These days all toys are made in China. Christmas is going to be tough for parents and kids this year. (What ever happened to 'Made in the USA'?)
People are losing their homes because sneaky mortgage brokers let them buy houses they can't afford. I guess those folks who bought those houses still believe in the tooth fairy as well. Why wouldn't they know they couldn't afford that house?
My used-to-be favorite TV channel, the Science Channel is also full of really nice programs guaranteed to keep us awake at night. Yellowstone National Park is really the caldera of a massive mega volcano which could erupt at any time killing most of the people in the USA and changing the world's climate so much that all of mankind and any other living creature will die. It could happen any time according to the experts.
Then there is the chance the Earth will be hit by one of those asteroids the size of Montana that are out there in space. When this happens, (and it probably will sometime according to the experts) the entire planet Earth will erupt in flames and kill all of mankind and any other living creature.
There is an island, La Palma, in the Atlantic Ocean that has an excellent chance of having a large portion of a volcano named Cumbre Vieja slide into the sea. This will cause a mega tsunami that could wipe out the entire east coast of the Americas (North, Central and South America) with waves of water over 100 feet high. The experts say this could happen at any time. Millions of people will die when this happens.
I may have to quit sleeping so I can stay awake and worry about all of the things the news tells us are going to kill us and the things the experts are saying 'will happen someday but we just don't know when.'
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