Monday, November 19, 2007


I wonder about a lot of things that are probably trivial to most folks. I suppose someone somewhere has the answers.

I wonder why people will spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a computer and then plug it into a ten dollar power strip for protection. This is true for expensive TVs and other electronics as well.

Someone please explain to me why Daylight Saving Time saves daylight. There are still the same number of hours in a day. You can't save daylight! You can aggravate millions of people who are forced to either set the clocks back an hour or set the clocks forward an hour, but you can't save daylight. They need to call it what it really is, 'Aggravation Time'!

Why do people think it's funny when someone falls down? There are TV shows that show 'funny' videos of folks falling, getting hit in delicate physical places and otherwise being injured. The producers of these shows seem to think these videos are funny. (They make me cringe.)

Why can't the TV networks get together and broadcast their programming at the same level of sound? Viewers who change channels have to adjust sound up or down to achieve the right sound. Seems like a no-brainer, but no one seems to know why. I think they do it to keep viewers from changing channels, but it doesn't work. Everyone changes channels to watch their favorite programs.

On the same note, please tell me why TV commercials are so much louder than the programs? Do the commercial producers think we will be more apt to listen if our eardrums are being pierced? Don't they know most of us have a mute button on our remotes?

Why does my newspaper always wrap the Sunday comics with an ad for a store I won't ever patronize? Do they think it will get my attention so I will rush right out and go to this store? (It gets my attention alright; I toss that ad PDQ!)

Why do advertisers say you can get something 'free' with a purchase? If you have to buy something to get something else, it isn't free!

I wonder about a lot of things, these are just a few of them.


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