I have a feeling I am not the only one who doesn't want to hear or read any more about misbehaving celebrities, namely Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, etc. At least I certainly hope I'm not the only one! I especially don't want to hear any more about O.J.
The media seems to think we are all avid to hear about everything these people do, and I guess there is an element of the population who has nothing better to do than hear about celebrities and celebrities who have fallen from grace.
I suppose it is a sign of the times. Many Americans do not know who is the Vice-President of the United States or the name of the Speaker of the House, but they can tell you who wore what at the latest Hollywood bash.
I can only hope that they will eventually grow up, but I am beginning to have doubts. Perhaps one day they will 'get with the program' and one can only hope those who will vote in the next elections will stop fawning over the pathetic lives of celebrities that are alcoholics, druggies and certainly shouldn't be role models for the segment of the population who seem to be insatiable about following the media flap.
Maybe I just am too grumpy! I think I need to find some 'fun stuff' to write about.
By the way, Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Why Do They Want to Ruin Christmas?
Why are some people so mean spirited? They want us to not say 'Merry Christmas'. They seem to think 'Happy Holidays' is more politically correct. Guess what, you meanies! If it weren't for Christmas, there wouldn't be a Happy Holiday for the majority of folks.
I have even read that some people don't want the mall Santas to say 'Ho, Ho, Ho'. Now I know that there is a slang word that rappers use to denigrate folks of the female persuasion. But I fail to see how anyone with an iota of intelligence can think Santa is using 'Ho, Ho,
Ho' to insult anyone. There are must be some folks who must lay awake at night to come up with stuff like this! Santas have been saying that for many years, long before the rappers decided to say their insult.
Some cities have elected not to put up Christmas decorations for fear of insulting someone. I do feel sorry for the people that have been deprived of the beautiful Christmas decorations in those cities. There are some cities that have decided to put up the decorations in spite of the few who are against Christmas. Hurray for them!
I guess it is a sign of the times we live in. One of these years, if this trend keeps up, 'Merry Christmas' may just go away. However, I am in hopes that the 'majority by far' will rise up and take back our favorite holiday expressions and tell the PC crowd to 'stuff it'.
Since this is My Blog, here is what I have to say, "Merry Christmas to all who celebrate the birth of the Christ child".
Have a 'Happy New Year' as well. I just hope there aren't any people that want to do away with that as well.
I have even read that some people don't want the mall Santas to say 'Ho, Ho, Ho'. Now I know that there is a slang word that rappers use to denigrate folks of the female persuasion. But I fail to see how anyone with an iota of intelligence can think Santa is using 'Ho, Ho,
Ho' to insult anyone. There are must be some folks who must lay awake at night to come up with stuff like this! Santas have been saying that for many years, long before the rappers decided to say their insult.
Some cities have elected not to put up Christmas decorations for fear of insulting someone. I do feel sorry for the people that have been deprived of the beautiful Christmas decorations in those cities. There are some cities that have decided to put up the decorations in spite of the few who are against Christmas. Hurray for them!
I guess it is a sign of the times we live in. One of these years, if this trend keeps up, 'Merry Christmas' may just go away. However, I am in hopes that the 'majority by far' will rise up and take back our favorite holiday expressions and tell the PC crowd to 'stuff it'.
Since this is My Blog, here is what I have to say, "Merry Christmas to all who celebrate the birth of the Christ child".
Have a 'Happy New Year' as well. I just hope there aren't any people that want to do away with that as well.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Buggy Bits in Vista
I like Vista. I didn't like it at first, but once I managed to find stuff and where to make changes, Vista is OK. I have gotten used to the UAC (User Access Control) and it doesn't seem so much in my face as it did at first. My Vista isn't as slow as a lot of folks say Vista is for them, but I keep my Start-up lean and that does make a difference.
What I don't like in Vista is the buggy replacement for Outlook Express known as Windows Mail. They removed the only redeeming feature that made it worth while for me to use OE, Identities. ( I have a number of email accounts and I like to keep them separated.)
The layout in Windows Mail is fairly similar except for the Address Book, now known as Contacts. After you use Windows Mail for awhile, you can't empty the Deleted folder. Buggy! At least with Outlook Express if a folder started misbehaving you could delete it and Outlook Express created a new one the next time you opened it.
Microsoft knows Windows mail is buggy. They made a replacement and called it Windows Live Mail. Just what is it with Microsoft that they can't come up with totally different names for stuff? First it's Outlook and Outlook Express, then Windows Messenger and Windows Messenger Service. Now it's Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail. There may be some other things with almost the same name, but off hand I don't know for sure.
When I couldn't empty the Deleted folder in Windows Mail, I downloaded and installed Windows Live Mail. I won't use Windows Live Mail much. It's buggy as well. When I tried to mark a spam as 'Junk', I got the same error message I got when I tried to empty the Deleted folder in Windows Mail! Buggy! Funny though, after I installed the new mail program, the Deleted folder in Windows Mail will now empty.
The layout for Windows Live Mail is very different and folks seem to have some problems finding what they need. One user reported her Inbox disappeared. I suspect it is still there but hiding for some reason. Buggy! This just shouldn't happen.
I am recommending Eudora for folks who need help with Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail and need a free email program. Another really good option is Mozilla's Thunderbird.
Another buggy program is Internet Explorer. A lot of folks keep getting the message that Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and has to close. I haven't had that problem, but then I don't use Internet Explorer very much. I know they made some security changes, but why did they have to move the familiar things around so you have to hunt for them? And what happened to the ability to use copy for a web address? Control + C works, but why is 'copy' greyed out when I want to copy a web address from the Address bar? I know Firefox has spoiled me, but sometimes I have to use IE and it just aggravates me!
What I don't like in Vista is the buggy replacement for Outlook Express known as Windows Mail. They removed the only redeeming feature that made it worth while for me to use OE, Identities. ( I have a number of email accounts and I like to keep them separated.)
The layout in Windows Mail is fairly similar except for the Address Book, now known as Contacts. After you use Windows Mail for awhile, you can't empty the Deleted folder. Buggy! At least with Outlook Express if a folder started misbehaving you could delete it and Outlook Express created a new one the next time you opened it.
Microsoft knows Windows mail is buggy. They made a replacement and called it Windows Live Mail. Just what is it with Microsoft that they can't come up with totally different names for stuff? First it's Outlook and Outlook Express, then Windows Messenger and Windows Messenger Service. Now it's Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail. There may be some other things with almost the same name, but off hand I don't know for sure.
When I couldn't empty the Deleted folder in Windows Mail, I downloaded and installed Windows Live Mail. I won't use Windows Live Mail much. It's buggy as well. When I tried to mark a spam as 'Junk', I got the same error message I got when I tried to empty the Deleted folder in Windows Mail! Buggy! Funny though, after I installed the new mail program, the Deleted folder in Windows Mail will now empty.
The layout for Windows Live Mail is very different and folks seem to have some problems finding what they need. One user reported her Inbox disappeared. I suspect it is still there but hiding for some reason. Buggy! This just shouldn't happen.
I am recommending Eudora for folks who need help with Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail and need a free email program. Another really good option is Mozilla's Thunderbird.
Another buggy program is Internet Explorer. A lot of folks keep getting the message that Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and has to close. I haven't had that problem, but then I don't use Internet Explorer very much. I know they made some security changes, but why did they have to move the familiar things around so you have to hunt for them? And what happened to the ability to use copy for a web address? Control + C works, but why is 'copy' greyed out when I want to copy a web address from the Address bar? I know Firefox has spoiled me, but sometimes I have to use IE and it just aggravates me!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
To Eat or Not to Eat
In the midst of the Holiday season that includes Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am sorely tempted!
All those goodies that go with holidays just keep calling my name! My problem is I just like food. I mean I really like food, especially the really fattening kind of food. I like it all with one or two exceptions. (I don't care at all for green bean casserole and I am not real fond of turkey.)
Baked ham, pies, cakes and baked anything, I generally like it. I have always had a 'sweet tooth' and this time of year there are certainly a lot of sweet goodies to eat!
So I am in a quandary. I need to lose some weight. OK, I need to lose a LOT of weight. I didn't used to have this problem about weight. I could eat just about anything I wanted and if I gained a few pounds it was easy for me to lose it.
Not any more! If I gain a pound it doesn't want to leave! Someone told me once that getting older sometimes has this affect and for me it is certainly true. I am not sure it is age that caused it, but I sure would like to find a way to 'fix' this problem. I know, I know, diet and exercise will work. That's easy enough to say, but putting it into practice is another thing.
I just don't seem to have any will power. I know that's not true because I quit smoking cold turkey after having been addicted for thirty years. That was almost five years ago and I haven't smoked even once since then. Hmm, that's when I started gaining that weight I need to lose.
So okay, I will give myself a heavy does of will power and lose that weight. But not until after the holidays!
Here's to Happy Holiday eating!
All those goodies that go with holidays just keep calling my name! My problem is I just like food. I mean I really like food, especially the really fattening kind of food. I like it all with one or two exceptions. (I don't care at all for green bean casserole and I am not real fond of turkey.)
Baked ham, pies, cakes and baked anything, I generally like it. I have always had a 'sweet tooth' and this time of year there are certainly a lot of sweet goodies to eat!
So I am in a quandary. I need to lose some weight. OK, I need to lose a LOT of weight. I didn't used to have this problem about weight. I could eat just about anything I wanted and if I gained a few pounds it was easy for me to lose it.
Not any more! If I gain a pound it doesn't want to leave! Someone told me once that getting older sometimes has this affect and for me it is certainly true. I am not sure it is age that caused it, but I sure would like to find a way to 'fix' this problem. I know, I know, diet and exercise will work. That's easy enough to say, but putting it into practice is another thing.
I just don't seem to have any will power. I know that's not true because I quit smoking cold turkey after having been addicted for thirty years. That was almost five years ago and I haven't smoked even once since then. Hmm, that's when I started gaining that weight I need to lose.
So okay, I will give myself a heavy does of will power and lose that weight. But not until after the holidays!
Here's to Happy Holiday eating!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
TXU is Spamming Me!
My electric company is TXU, which was recently sold to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and TPG, formerly the Texas Pacific Group, both are private equity firms.
The sale is supposed to make our rates go down, according to all the hype during the transitional period when the sale was in the process of being approved by the powers that have the option to approve such transactions.
Deregulation took place in Texas several years ago. Deregulation was supposed to be good for consumers and make prices go down. Except it didn't happen. Before deregulation Texas has rates that were among the lowest in the US. After deregulation we now have the highest rates in the Nation. Two years ago TXU's rates jumped 25% within a two month period! All the new electric companies raised rates as well, so where is that competive price option to save us money?
The rates have come down a bit since then, but nowhere near 25%. The 'new' TXU is offering some new plans that will supposedly save consumers money. The only problem with the plans is they are so confusing it is hard to see how they will save any money. One is offering a 3% cash rebate. Now those folks who know me know exactly how I feel about rebates! I may be looking for a new electric provider.
The icing on the cake, so to speak, came in my inbox this AM. Spam from TXU! Two spams to be exact! One was wanting me to 'refer a friend' and I don't remember the other one but it was something about wanting us to sign up for a new plan .I signed up years ago to get a notice when the electric bill was available online. (Our local postal service may or may not deliver the bill by snail mail.) I signed up for the notification only, not to receive spam! Furthermore, there was no option to remove my email address to prevent these spam messages! So I just blocked future messages using my trusty spam filter.
I went to TXU's website to review their Privacy Policy and nowhere does it say they will or will not send me messages other than the one I signed up to receive. Not only that, the site is hard to read, with a light gray text on white background. I had to copy it all and paste it in to notepad in order to read it! However I am slightly outraged
and I will be checking offers by some of the other electric providers in Texas. (I really, really hate spam!) The only problem with other companies, how do I know they won't spam me as well?
Martha's Web
Martha's Place
The sale is supposed to make our rates go down, according to all the hype during the transitional period when the sale was in the process of being approved by the powers that have the option to approve such transactions.
Deregulation took place in Texas several years ago. Deregulation was supposed to be good for consumers and make prices go down. Except it didn't happen. Before deregulation Texas has rates that were among the lowest in the US. After deregulation we now have the highest rates in the Nation. Two years ago TXU's rates jumped 25% within a two month period! All the new electric companies raised rates as well, so where is that competive price option to save us money?
The rates have come down a bit since then, but nowhere near 25%. The 'new' TXU is offering some new plans that will supposedly save consumers money. The only problem with the plans is they are so confusing it is hard to see how they will save any money. One is offering a 3% cash rebate. Now those folks who know me know exactly how I feel about rebates! I may be looking for a new electric provider.
The icing on the cake, so to speak, came in my inbox this AM. Spam from TXU! Two spams to be exact! One was wanting me to 'refer a friend' and I don't remember the other one but it was something about wanting us to sign up for a new plan .I signed up years ago to get a notice when the electric bill was available online. (Our local postal service may or may not deliver the bill by snail mail.) I signed up for the notification only, not to receive spam! Furthermore, there was no option to remove my email address to prevent these spam messages! So I just blocked future messages using my trusty spam filter.
I went to TXU's website to review their Privacy Policy and nowhere does it say they will or will not send me messages other than the one I signed up to receive. Not only that, the site is hard to read, with a light gray text on white background. I had to copy it all and paste it in to notepad in order to read it! However I am slightly outraged
and I will be checking offers by some of the other electric providers in Texas. (I really, really hate spam!) The only problem with other companies, how do I know they won't spam me as well?
Martha's Web
Martha's Place
Flu Shot
Every year I get a flu shot. I get this flu shot for several reasons; the main one being I don't want to get the flu.
Everywhere I look for 'senior' stuff the advice is to get a flu shot. Medicare pays for the shot; there is no co-pay for flu shots! They figure the cost of the shot is much cheaper than paying doctor bills, medicine, hospital bills, etc. that will incur if someone gets the flu.
Back in 1993 I got pneumonia. It was the worst kind of pneumonia and I nearly died. After I recovered my doctor told me to get a pneumonia shot and to get a flu shot every year. Since I had no desire to get that sick again I took his advice and every year without fail I get a flu shot. One good thing, since I started getting flu shots, I never get a bad cold anymore. Maybe those awful colds I used to get were not colds after all, but were the flu!
This year I found out I needed another pneumonia shot so when the local Walgreen's had their annual flu clinic I decided to get both shots and be done with it. This was a mistake. By nightfall, my arm was hurting. I don't mean sore, I mean hurting! Bad! I had a headache as well. I don't usually have headaches so I figured it was a result of the shots, took some Tylenol and went to bed early.
Sometime during the night it got really cold. Then it got really hot. By morning I thought I might be dying. It went on this way for two days. My arm hurt so bad I couldn't even raise it up. Fever came and went. I felt so bad I didn't even read my email. Folks who know me would have been really alarmed by that! My son wanted to take me to the emergency room. I didn't want to make the effort.
Then on the third day after I got those shots I woke up and I was me again. I felt great! My arm was not hurting. I could raise it up over my head. No more fever. Life was good again.
Now I wonder, which one of those shots made me so sick? The flu shot or the pneumonia shot? The combination? All I know for sure is I am very glad I won't need that pneumonia shot again!
I will still get a flu shot next year, but I will make sure I have Tylenol that isn't out of date! Sadly I had to throw a bunch of Tylenol away; the expiration date was two years ago! I figure the flu would last a lot longer than the time I was down with the side effects from the shot.
Everywhere I look for 'senior' stuff the advice is to get a flu shot. Medicare pays for the shot; there is no co-pay for flu shots! They figure the cost of the shot is much cheaper than paying doctor bills, medicine, hospital bills, etc. that will incur if someone gets the flu.
Back in 1993 I got pneumonia. It was the worst kind of pneumonia and I nearly died. After I recovered my doctor told me to get a pneumonia shot and to get a flu shot every year. Since I had no desire to get that sick again I took his advice and every year without fail I get a flu shot. One good thing, since I started getting flu shots, I never get a bad cold anymore. Maybe those awful colds I used to get were not colds after all, but were the flu!
This year I found out I needed another pneumonia shot so when the local Walgreen's had their annual flu clinic I decided to get both shots and be done with it. This was a mistake. By nightfall, my arm was hurting. I don't mean sore, I mean hurting! Bad! I had a headache as well. I don't usually have headaches so I figured it was a result of the shots, took some Tylenol and went to bed early.
Sometime during the night it got really cold. Then it got really hot. By morning I thought I might be dying. It went on this way for two days. My arm hurt so bad I couldn't even raise it up. Fever came and went. I felt so bad I didn't even read my email. Folks who know me would have been really alarmed by that! My son wanted to take me to the emergency room. I didn't want to make the effort.
Then on the third day after I got those shots I woke up and I was me again. I felt great! My arm was not hurting. I could raise it up over my head. No more fever. Life was good again.
Now I wonder, which one of those shots made me so sick? The flu shot or the pneumonia shot? The combination? All I know for sure is I am very glad I won't need that pneumonia shot again!
I will still get a flu shot next year, but I will make sure I have Tylenol that isn't out of date! Sadly I had to throw a bunch of Tylenol away; the expiration date was two years ago! I figure the flu would last a lot longer than the time I was down with the side effects from the shot.
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