Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Why Do They Want to Ruin Christmas?

Why are some people so mean spirited? They want us to not say 'Merry Christmas'. They seem to think 'Happy Holidays' is more politically correct. Guess what, you meanies! If it weren't for Christmas, there wouldn't be a Happy Holiday for the majority of folks.

I have even read that some people don't want the mall Santas to say 'Ho, Ho, Ho'. Now I know that there is a slang word that rappers use to denigrate folks of the female persuasion. But I fail to see how anyone with an iota of intelligence can think Santa is using 'Ho, Ho,
Ho' to insult anyone. There are must be some folks who must lay awake at night to come up with stuff like this! Santas have been saying that for many years, long before the rappers decided to say their insult.

Some cities have elected not to put up Christmas decorations for fear of insulting someone. I do feel sorry for the people that have been deprived of the beautiful Christmas decorations in those cities. There are some cities that have decided to put up the decorations in spite of the few who are against Christmas. Hurray for them!

I guess it is a sign of the times we live in. One of these years, if this trend keeps up, 'Merry Christmas' may just go away. However, I am in hopes that the 'majority by far' will rise up and take back our favorite holiday expressions and tell the PC crowd to 'stuff it'.

Since this is My Blog, here is what I have to say, "Merry Christmas to all who celebrate the birth of the Christ child".

Have a 'Happy New Year' as well. I just hope there aren't any people that want to do away with that as well.


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