Wednesday, December 12, 2007

To Eat or Not to Eat

In the midst of the Holiday season that includes Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am sorely tempted!

All those goodies that go with holidays just keep calling my name! My problem is I just like food. I mean I really like food, especially the really fattening kind of food. I like it all with one or two exceptions. (I don't care at all for green bean casserole and I am not real fond of turkey.)

Baked ham, pies, cakes and baked anything, I generally like it. I have always had a 'sweet tooth' and this time of year there are certainly a lot of sweet goodies to eat!

So I am in a quandary. I need to lose some weight. OK, I need to lose a LOT of weight. I didn't used to have this problem about weight. I could eat just about anything I wanted and if I gained a few pounds it was easy for me to lose it.

Not any more! If I gain a pound it doesn't want to leave! Someone told me once that getting older sometimes has this affect and for me it is certainly true. I am not sure it is age that caused it, but I sure would like to find a way to 'fix' this problem. I know, I know, diet and exercise will work. That's easy enough to say, but putting it into practice is another thing.

I just don't seem to have any will power. I know that's not true because I quit smoking cold turkey after having been addicted for thirty years. That was almost five years ago and I haven't smoked even once since then. Hmm, that's when I started gaining that weight I need to lose.

So okay, I will give myself a heavy does of will power and lose that weight. But not until after the holidays!

Here's to Happy Holiday eating!


1 comment:

Pat Geary said...

I'm with you Martha, sweets are my downfall especially chocolate. And the darker the chocolate, they more I like it. So enjoy the holidays and we can diet together afterwards.