Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hope and Change

Our new president promised us 'hope and change'. Did he mean he would surround himself with folks who don't pay their taxes?

I hope that's not what he meant!

It's just my opinion, but I think anyone, regardless of who they are should be disqualified from any position in government if they are guilty of not paying their taxes.

It's NOT ok to say 'I didn't know'! If I had failed to pay taxes, the IRS, which is a government department, probably would have threatened me with jailtime and would have come after me big time as soon as they knew I owed taxes. And why didn't they go after these guys?

It isn't very comforting to me to know the Secretary of the Treasury is a tax cheat. He's in charge of the Treasury! And the sad thing is, he isn't the only tax cheat being offered a high profile position in the United States government.

The 'change' is looking more and more like change to the Clinton era.  All of the folks in charge seem to be from that time.

I hope that things will change and for the better, but so far it doesn't seem likely!


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