Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where's the Quality?

Remember that Wendy's commercial with the old lady wanting to know "Where's the Beef"?

Well, this old lady wants to know 'Where's the Quality?'

I purchased some Hanes pajamas for gifts in December.  This month (January) I have been patching and mending seams that were not sewn properly in said pajamas. Every pair. They fit loosely so it isn't a 'busting out' problem. They are always advertising on TV for Hanes underwear, but I suspect I have purchased Hanes pajamas for the last time. I think they need to spend less on advertising and more on quality control.

Appliances should last for more than five years without expensive repairs. However, the new dryer quit alerting me when the clothes were dry when it was less than two years old. The sensor that tells when the clothes are dry quit working when it was less than five years old. Now it is taking twice as long to dry clothes than it did when it was new five years ago.

The new washer sprang a leak, less than five years old.

The new refrigerator had to have a repair when it was three years old.

The new dishwasher had to be repaired less than five years old.

Oh yes, these appliances are all made by GE, which brand won't ever be purchased by me again. I just hope some company out there does make good appliances.

They don't make stuff like they used to when it was all made in the USA.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Nosy? Or Sneaky!

Much has been said about Facebook's privacy or lack thereof, but Facebook isn't the only place that wants all of your personal details.

I subscribe to a number of RSS feed and some of them are about security.

One of the these feeds is offering a free 'unofficial guide to Facebook privacy'.

To get the guide all you have to do is fill out a form.

Facebook only requires your name, age and a valid email address.

Although your birth date is not required, looks like they want a lot of information just to get a Facebook privacy guide!

What a sneaky way to get your employment details! And what will they do with all that information if a user provides it?


Thursday, January 06, 2011

Things 'As Seen on TV' That I Don't Want

There are a lot of these things I don't want.

I don't want a Snuggie.  It might be OK, but the way it looks, it's long.  Since it is long I suspect I would sooner or later trip over that long part and fall.  If I used it, which I probably wouldn't.

I don't want a Chia pet, ever! I don't care what it is, I don't want one!

I certainly don't want a Clapper. 'Nuff said about that.

In fact, it is easier to say what I do want from things advertised on TV.

The list:


That's it!


Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Gmail Blip?

Today I discovered something in Gmail that surely has me worried.

I use two Gmail accounts, one for personal stuff and the other for business related stuff. This has really worked just fine for the most part (except when I signed up for Coke Rewards and the spam gate opened!)

Generally Gmail handles the spam just fine.  I do look in the spam folder as occasionally a legitimate email goes to the spam filter, but not often.

But today something odd happened.  I have been having a problem with other websites hot-linking to my images so I have decided to 'watermark' all my images.  I am not really graphics inclined and all of the watermark files I have made are ok for some, but not for others.  So I have searched for a program that will do the trick for me and I found one reasonably priced so I bought it.

I of course had to provide an email address and I used the Gmail address I use for business.

I kept waiting for the confirmation email from the site, but it didn't show up.  Don't know why I decided to look in the Trash folder, but I did and there was the email I waited for.  In the Trash! I did NOT delete it!  In fact there were three emails from the vendor.  I could understand if I had found them in the Spam folder, but the Trash?

So now I am getting concerned about Gmail and I guess I will have to search the trash from now on. Hopefully this was a temporary blip, but now I feel I can't trust Gmail.
