Monday, December 26, 2005


Everyone who has a website can relate to how frustrating it is to have other sites 'hotlinking' to images or other files on their website. I have tried various ways to stop this practice, but to no avail. I tried blocking the domains (culprits), but that also blocked some legitimate users as well. So had to unblock the offenders. Next I renamed the files and 'edited' (changed the files to something really ugly and put my website address on the files) the hotlinked files. That worked to a point, some of the offenders view their sites more often than others, but one persistant hotlinker just went back and linked to the new file name.

One remedy that worked, I removed the file altogether. Sort of drastic, but that worked. Sure got a lot of 404s after that, though.

Two of the worst offenders for hotlinking are and Yesterday I had over 500 hits from MySpace, all from hotlinking.

Today I had a friend who is a member of, email four of the known hotlinkers and explain what hotlinking is and how to save images and upload them rather than hotlink. I doubt that will do much good as the people that use MySpace don't have a clue about websites. MySpace is rather notorious for this behavior. I did email them to let them know they have people hotlinking to my site, I got a very stupid reply from them.

Their reply:

Hi there!

We are currently experiencing errors with the I.M. (Instant Messenger), we apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently doing our best to make this service operate properly. Please bear with us, as we anticipate these changes to take place very soon.


Notice I said I emailed them, I didn't IM them! Guess if they don't like the message they just send a 'dumb' response.

If anyone has a better answer, sure would like to know about it!


As a footnote here, if the offenders do not remove the hotlink from their pages by January 5, I am going to publish the links to their sites.

Martha's Web

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Rebates and Gift Cards, Same Old, Same Old

The newest hook to get consumers to buy merchandise, gift cards! Buy a new fridge, get a gift card by mail. Buy a new computer, get a gift card by mail. I think I have heard this con, I mean come on, before only they were calling it rebates.

At least if he or she did receive the rebate, it was in the form of a check which a consumer could cash and either save it or spend it wherever he/she wanted to shop. With the gift cards, the consumer is required to spend the card where the original merchandise was purchased. That is, if the gift cards are ever received!

The rant is on! You can probably guess where this is going!

In October I purchased a new refrigerator (stainless steal, double doors with ice water, crushed ice, cubed ice available through the door and not cheap!). I also purchased a new washer and dryer. Gift cards totaling $200.00 were to be mine as soon as I dutifully filled out all of the paperwork and sent it in along with the required proofs of purchase. This I did the next day after the purchase and I still have all of my suggested copies. November came and went, no gift cards. On December 15th I decided to call the 800 number on my copy of the gift card receipt.

Yes they received it, for all three gift cards. One card for $150.00 mailed November 28, the phone rep stated. Two other cards, for $25.00 each were mailed on December 7. So the phone rep said. So why didn't I receive them? I could see maybe one go missing, but three? Uh huh, I don't think so. So now I must wait 45 days from the date the cards were mailed before I can get new cards, unless the original cards have been used.

Wait a minute! If they can tell the cards were used, then they must have a way to invalidate them if they are lost! I think I have been scammed royally! Anyway, I will wait until the 45 days have passed and see what happens.

Stay tuned, there may be a real bang up for someone, in the corporate headquarters of this big and I do mean big, merchandiser, not to mention a newsworthy tidbit for the local news. Names to be mentioned later!


Martha's Web


After four months and numerous phone calls, the missing gift cards finally arrived. I do believe they were never sent originally and if I had not been persistant, I would never have received them. Sigh!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rebate, Freebate, but Not For You!

It's time for American consumers to rebel against that insidious marketing ploy known as a 'rebate'. You see the ads all the time for a really low price on an item you really want, or maybe even need. On second look, in very small print, the ad states 'After rebate'. You still have to pay the regular, sometimes-inflated price and send for the promised refund known as a rebate. The manufacturers assume that consumers don't mind spending a lot of time, effort and some postage to send for the promised rebate.

Sigh! So many rebates offered, so many never received!

In order for a consumer to receive the promised rebate, many things need to happen. A form for the rebate must be completed properly and then all of the proofs of purchase must be gathered together. They suggest everything should be copied 'for your records' before sending it to an address for that particular rebate. Of course, what this really means is the consumer needs the copies to remind them of the rebate they never received, but I digress! (This address is usually written so small that a magnifying glass needs to used to read it.) I know why they offer these rebates. They hope the buyer will give up in disgust over all of the requirements, especially when they have to cut a proof of purchase from a cardboard box that is at least an inch thick!, Well, that is an exaggeration, but it seems like it sometimes. Then of course the request must be received before the deadline. In fact many people do not send for the rebate, either they forget, lose some of the necessary requirements or just don't want to bother. That's why we keep seeing those ads for rebates on products. They are good for the merchant, good for the manufacturer, bad for the consumer who never gets the rebate!

If the consumer only has a P O Box for his/her address, sorry, Out of Luck! Can't use a P O Box, even though it is the correct and only address! (I guess this is to prevent someone from getting two rebates, but two products would need to be purchased to get the rebates, so....another consumer ripoff!)

In order for merchants to make consumers themselves look good, they often will provide a receipt just for the rebate. There is a warning here, if the receipt has written on it what the rebate is for, make sure it is for the same product purchased! This is experience talking here! Never mind if the print on the receipt is faint or hard to read, trust me, the folks at the Rebate center can read it. (I lost $5.00 on that ploy.)

Excuses, excuses!

Not responsible for requests not postmarked by the deadline! Wrong item purchased! (It wasn't, but my receipt said otherwise.) Not responsible for items lost by the Postal Service. (They do get blamed for a lot of things!)

I have purchased many items and sent for rebates that were duly received. Microsoft has the fastest response time here, less than three weeks. I was impressed! I sent for one rebate and received notification that my submission was approved and being processed, but never received the rebate. That was Office Max. Most of the time I have received the rebate eventually, sometimes long after I had forgotten about it. (I now keep a record in Excel, for who, when sent, amount and if ever received.)

Most of the time the rebate check comes like a postcard. It's no wonder some are never received. Or if they are received, easily un-noticed amid all of the junk mail and probably tossed.

I am still waiting for my Gift cards (the latest marketing ploy) that I have been assured are 'in the mail'. If I never receive them, I have been told I can get them sent again, providing no one has used them. What a ripoff! An immediate discount would have impressed me a lot more! I must admit the cards are for items I would have bought anyway, but since they were offered, why not send for them?

This isn't the first time I have written about rebates. I had a rebate experience with Symantec that was totally infuriating, so much so that I will never buy another of their products. You can read about that in ' I Am Going to Say 'Goodbye' to Symantec', in a previous post.

So I am rebelling against rebates. If I see a product that I want on sale with a rebate, I will keep looking. The hassle and frustration is too much for an old lady like me!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Software Spasms

Have you ever installed software that just wouldn't work? Or maybe it worked for awhile and then just quit working? I am going to tell you about my experience with Software A and Software B. (I won't name the software as they are both really good and I don't want to discourage anyone from using them.)

I installed Software A on my new laptop and it worked just fine. Then it quit working and nothing (and I do mean nothing*) would make it work. Totally frustrating!

For some reason my new laptop was acting flaky about a lot of things. Sometimes when it started up and password duly entered, it would just sit there and I would have to do a hard boot & restart it. There were other little gremlins in this computer and finally, I had enough! I backed up my data to an external drive and since I received a complete restore disk with this laptop (amazing!) I just popped in the CD and did the deed. In practically no time I had a pristine version of Windows XP SP2 on my notebook.

So I uninstalled the stuff I didn't want (Norton Antivirus and a few other things), updated Windows with all of the available critical updates, installed my virus scanner and firewall, and installed my must have programs, including Software A. Oh goody, now it worked! So I went on happily customizing Windows to work the way I want, installed some other must have programs and everything worked just fine, now more gremlins. Then a few days ago I went to open Software A and it wouldn't open. I tried all of the suggested fixes by software A's support and nada, it would not open. Phooey! Talk about frustrating!

Now today, Software B (which runs in the background all the time, as it should) had a problem because of an idiotic move by me (not going to explain that fiasco) and it crashed. So it isn't running in the background. Just on a hunch, I tried to open Software A. Guess what, it works! So I started testing. Open Software B, Software A won't open. Close Software B and Software A works just fine. Hmmm.

Reboot and try the testing again, same results. Software B running, Software A won't open. Software B closed, Software A works! Now I have to wonder, how many times have folks installed some software that just won't work and the problem is just a conflict with other software on their computer?

*re-registered the dlls and executible, ran the dianostics provide by Software A's support, un-installed, re-installed the program. Sigh, if only I had known how easy it was to solve the problem!

Until next time,

Martha's Web

Friday, June 10, 2005

Can I trust Spybot?

Since I first learned about spyware, AdAware and Spybot Search and Destroy have been at the top of my 'must have' program list. One of the functions that I have performed religiously has been to update and run these little jewels on a regular basis.

Just imagine how I felt when I learned the following from a user on one of my Yahoo groups lists. Spybot may be giving in to presure from malware program owners! Don't believe it? Well, I don't know for sure either but why else would this be happening! I have heard rumors, but didn't believe them........

Open your Spybot program and click on the Mode button located next to 'File'. Click 'Advanced', and then click on 'Settings' on the left side menu. Click the 'Ignore Products' icon and scroll through the list of programs. There should be no check marks in the boxes beside the listed programs unless you have previously checked some of them, for what ever reason.

I checked Spybot on both my desktop box and my notebook and here are the results.

In the All Products section, I found check marks by:

MySearch (This is an IE toolbar and a homepage hijacker, according to net (category, popups)

SideStep (Don't know much about this, but appears to be another toolbar) My question about this one is, why is it listed here with a check mark? And why check marks for the others?

The user that posted the message also found some other things checked, but this was all I found.

So what is going on with Spybot? I scrolled through and unchecked these boxes, updated Spybot, scrolled through again and found them checked again!

Can I trust Spybot? I still use it, but I am wary now!

Until next time,

Martha's Web

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I Won a Million Dollars! (Not Really)

I got a message today, saying I won a million dollars! Whoo Hoo! Too bad it is a scam. I could use a million dollars! I rather suspect I am not the only one to receive this message and I fervently hope all of the recipients understand that this is the 'hook' for a big fat scam. Unfortunately, some of the folks that receive this message will fall for it and soon will be parted from some of their hard earned money.

Here is the message complete with headers. I found it interesting that Microsoft would use to send out this message, LOL! Even more interesting, Bill Gates sponsored this lottery. What do you want to bet he doesn't know he sponsored it!

X-Apparently-To: changed to protect my email via; Wed, 18 May 2005 02:10:07 -0700
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from (EHLO (
by with SMTP; Wed, 18 May 2005 02:10:07 -0700
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from ( [])
by (8.12.10 083104/8.12.10) with SMTP id j4I99wHx008849
for ; Wed, 18 May 2005 05:09:58 -0400
Received: (qmail 27686 invoked from network); 18 May 2005 09:04:45 -0000
Received: from (HELO wmailweba01) (
by with SMTP; 18 May 2005 09:04:45 -0000
Message-ID: <2944243.1116407122295.javamail.microsoft_lotto013@wmailweba01>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 02:05:22 -0700 (PDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: GoMail 3.0.1

MICROSOFT B.V. 44 Boeing Avenue, 9459 PE Schiphol-Rijk.

Sponsored and promoted by Bill Gates, Founder, Chairman, CEO of the World's Largest software(Microsoft):

Ref. Number: 132/756/40027
Batch Number: 538901527-BC722
To claim your prize contact Barrister Roy Hans (


We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Our Global Email Lottery program held on the 4th May, 2005.
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 37511465899-6410 with serial number 4872-510 drew lucky numbers

7-14-88-23-3545 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of US$

1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars).

Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has

been processed and your money Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and

unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.

All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual

email addresses and names from all over the world. This promotional program takes place every three years. We hope with part

of your winning you will take part in our next USD 50 million international lottery.

To file for your claim, please contact our fiducial agent/attorney:
Tel: (31) 617 792 760.
Fax: (31) 847 506 277.

Please in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers

in all correspondence, also indicate your country and city. Furthermore, should there be any change of address, do inform our

agent as soon as possible.

To enable you file your winning prize, you are advised to fully comply with our co-respondent agency office.

Congratulations once more from our members of staff, and thank you for being part of our promotional program.
Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Susan Smith
Lottery Coordinator.

GO get your free GO E-Mail account with expanded storage of 6 MB!

Reads nice, doesn't it. The scammers are getting better at what they do, trying to part you and your money for their benefit.
Please, don't bother calling the above number, what you will get is a request to send money for the fees to collect the winnings. This is just a variation of a scam that has been around for a long time! Real lotto winners don't pay to collect and real lotto winners actually entered a lottery!
For more information about lottery scams (and other Internet frauds), just go to this site: How to tell if you have a Lottery Scam Letter

Until next time,

Martha's Web

Friday, April 15, 2005

Blue, Red, or United?

(I am ranting again!)

Whatever happened to the United States? I guess the verbiage on the legal tender doesn't mean much any more. You know,the statement 'United we stand, divided we fall'. It seems like this great land is no longer 'united', but instead we are 'blue states' or 'red states'. I know that this isn't really true (I hope!), but I have to wonder what kind of image or message this is sending to those countries that would like to see our mighty nation destroyed.

Why have normally intelligent people allowed this to happen? Whatever happened to the idea of voting for the person or ideas instead of voting for 'The Party'? The Democratic party is not always just what this country needs and neither is the Republican party. Each of these organizations have good ideas, but as soon as one of them announces one, the other immediately jumps on it as 'bad'.

Folks, the way I see it, there are just a few people in both parties that are fomenting the division of our land. I won't mention any names, but if you read the newspapers, listen to TV and/or the radio, you know who they are. My idea to stop this dividing of the United States? Vote these suckers out of office! Let's have just the United States once again!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A Follow-up to ' I Am Going to Say 'Goodbye' to Symantec'

I did finally receive a response to the inquiry I sent to Symantec about the rebate amount sent in and the amount received. The date on the email I received today, Jan 18, was Dec 27. I guess this email was lost in 'cyberspace' or maybe the same black hole where my rebates went!

Unbelieveable response! Not a single answer to anything I asked!

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. Our records show that check number 8369221 was issued on 10/23/2004 in the amount of $20.00. This check cleared our bank on 11/05/2004. ( I knew that!)

We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help. (I don't believe that!)

This was what I asked:

I have a question: My rebate check I received was for $20.00. Why? I sent two rebate offers, one for $30 and one for $40.
Please note, the product that I selected above is NOT the one I sent the rebate for, as Drive Image is not listed.
Comments: I purchased Drive Image because it works. I could never get Ghost to work, it would not install. I tried three times and it always failed. Everything else worked ok. If this is not resolved in a satisfactory manner, I will no longer use Symantec products.
Tracking Number: xxxxxxxx

Obviously this is a 'canned' response, I wonder if anyone actually read this inquiry? Or maybe I should ask 'Did anyone in office that processes rebates read this inquiry?' I am quite sure that Symantec outsources rebate processing, maybe they don't know what it is to followup for 'good customer service!'

I have totally removed anything from Symantec from my computer and guess what? It runs better! Just like everyone said, Norton is a resource hog! I am using eTrust™ EZ Armor™ LE from Computer Associates and so far I like it just fine!

Note: I am not the only one with rebate gripes! Rebate Gripes

Friday, January 14, 2005

My Magazine

I subscribe to several magazines and sometimes I actually have time to sit down and read one of them. I stopped my computer magazine subscriptions a while back, though. It just seemed like they keep repeating the same things I have already read in an email newsletter or on one of my favorite websites. The titles kept promising me how to clean up my hard drive, fix my email or
or some other wondrous thing, and when I read the article I would think, 'I already know that', or I would think, 'These guys are nuts'.

But I still want to read something once in a while that isn't on my computer monitor, so I subscribed to a couple of really famous magazines written mainly for women and home makers. I won't name them here, but if you really want to know, just email me and I will let you know the titles.

As I perused the latest issue of one, I started noticing how many full-page ads there are for everything from soup to nuts and lots of stuff in between. So I counted them! Yeah, I was bored. There were ninety-three full-page ads, including 20 for prescription drugs (ask your doctor). In addition to the blatant ads were a number of articles for makeup and hair care specifyng brands. There were a lot more half page ads. I didn't count those. Then there were the cards to pull out and mail, ten of those.
There were several interesting articles, but they were all mixed in with all those ads. Oh and I don't want to forget the special advertising section! Eight pages there, with a few coupons to entice me to try the products.

So, out of the two hundred pages in the magazine, less than half were devoted to anything I really cared to read. In that less than half was an article on redoing one of my rooms (a make over) with picture of both before and after. If my room looked as good as the before, I sure wouldn't worry about a make over! True, the after really looked great!

So when this subscription comes up for renewal, I think I will pass. But I will keep Discover magazine!