Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ugly Houses

There is a business that actually buys ugly houses. You have probably seen billboards advertising 'We Buy Ugly Houses'. A few years ago, they just seemed to pop up everywhere. Apparently a lot of people are selling their ugly houses and investors fix them up and sell them for a tidy profit.

I guess I have led a sheltered life, as I didn't understand what they meant by 'ugly'. I thought they meant old houses in need of repair. I didn't realize they meant neglected, run-down, disgusting, dirty, trashed out houses!

They are having a contest right now about which house is the ugliest. Some of them are perfectly understandable judged ugly just by looking at the outside, but some of them surely qualify by just the inside! If you want to , you can vote on the 'ugliest house of the year'. (I voted!) After looking at these houses, I really appreciate mine!

While surfing around I found a site with a section on what the author considers ugly houses. I have to agree about the color choices and yard decorations. Some of them are quite 'unusual' to say the least. Butt ugly houses of the universe. There is also a saga of the author's van, but that's another story.

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I cannot believe anyone ever thought Tacoma's Deriugin house was beautiful. According to the site it has been torn down. I expect everyone in the immediate vacinity was relieved!

For some really unusual looking houses (and some really ugly houses), take a few minutes or an hour to explore Unusual houses (and other unusual items) on Unusual Life. It is astonishing to me what some people want to have in or around their domiciles.

I rather imagine every city of any size has some unusual houses and probably most of them are considered ugly. Take for example some of the unusual homes on Seattle Dream Homes. I always say, 'To each his own'. I wouldn't be interested in owning something like this, but obviously someone liked it.

Want to live in a 'space ship'? Just look on Strange Houses Around The World. Some really weird structures are pictured here and some of them, if not most, are somebody's home, even the melting house! (How about that monster!)

Check out the Architecture From Another Planet - 25 Incredible (Real) Abodes Some of the listings here are on other pages listed above, but the strange houses listed here have neat descriptions that tell more about each house. Fun, but not for me!


Monday, October 22, 2007

Tiny Houses

Little is Good!

TumbleWeed Houses, an alternative to McMansions and a lot less expensive!

I saw an article about living in a tiny house a while back. I really can't imagine living in one of these itsy bitsy dwellings, but then again, it would be a sure fire way to live back to basics!

They seem to have just about everything you really need (except closet space!) and they are really pretty complete. Cute too! The designer of these houses has even been on Oprah, so if you watch Oprah you may already know about these tiny palaces.

There are even some small house communities. The one in Geneva shows some really nice small houses, a little bigger than tiny, but certainly not big. A Tiny House Community

There is a website devoted to tiny houses of all sorts. A Tiny Houses Website. Some of these tiny houses are play houses or fishing shacks. Some are little garden houses and some are vacation houses, but they are all tiny. (And cute!)

You've probably heard at least once in your lifetime that everything is bigger in Texas. This is true even for tiny houses. Tiny Texas Houses look pretty nice and a bit more roomy that some of the other tiny houses I looked at on the 'net. I could afford one of those and it looks like I could just pick it up and move it if I wanted to as well.

These folks built their tiny house for about $6000. A Boat Builders Little House I don't think I am up to that, but if I had some help, maybe!

These little dwellings appeal to me, but somehow I don't think I would really like to live in one all the time. However, I think it might be fun
to try, just for a little while!

There seems to be more tiny houses than I realized! The tiniest houses in New York City comes with a not so tiny price! And not to be outdone, there is a tiny house in Toronto!  There is an email going around that says this house is in Brooklyn, but 'tisn't so.(The price is more reasonable too.)


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Do Blogs Live Forever?

I wonder about a lot of things. Anyone would think that at my age I should know at least some of the answers. There are a lot of things I do know, even about stuff not computer related. But of course there is more I don't know about everything.

For instance, I wonder about blogs. I guess what I mean is, I wonder about the Blog writers. Do they really pour their heart and soul into an online journal on the Internet for the entire world to see and read? Or do they just make up stuff because they think it sounds good?

I have had a blog on blogger for a long time. Most of what I posted there was of a 'gripe' nature, about rebates, hotlinking and just general computer stuff. I wrote most of those posts because I was upset or mad about events in my life. Some I wrote because I thought it might help someone else that could be having a problem with their computer.

I like to read other people's blogs. Some of them are written by people I have met through online Yahoo Groups. Some are helpful blogs and some are just entertaining. There are blogs that tell about their lives, like Ross's Blog. Others are sort of like mine, a bit of rant and rave. I think some blogs are just a way to vent and get stuff out of 'our systems'. I know some of my blog posts are like that. (Think rebates!)

One of the things I have been wondering about is how long will a blog stay on the web? I came across a blog earlier this year that was written by a man who has reached the ripe old age of 90+. Don is an incredible writer and has one of the most interesting blogs I have read. He thinks a lot about life and death and I certainly understand that! While I am not that old yet, I am not a youngster either, so I think about life and death as well although I try not to dwell on those subjects too much, especially death.

Getting back to Don's Blog; he hasn't posted anything since March. Given his age, you have to wonder "Is he still with us? Has he quit posting because of ill health or is he 'gone'?" I hope he is just taking a break from blogging.

That made me start wondering just how long a blog will exist on a site like Blogger? Anyone know?


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fun With Geeky Toys

My friends all call me a 'geek' because I am just a bit more computer literate than most folks. I don't think of myself as a geek because I know there is so much I don't know about computers. One thing, I am totally hardware challenged. Well not totally, but almost.

I do like a lot of geeky toys, although some of them are just a little too geeky for me. I found some really cool geeky stuff while 'net surfing. A few of them are on my Christmas wish list, like LED Faucet lights. These are way too cool! And affordable as well!

I think this is kind of cool, but I don't think I will add this to my list.
Turn Your CD Collection Into Workspace Art...

I would really like to have one of these! But since it's a tad pricey I probably won't get one.  A Virtual Keyboard!

This could be handy, but I really don't want one of these, I think it's ugly!
Easy to see keyboard from X-Treme Geek.

How about a washable keyboard from Tiger Direct? Coffee drinkers should like this!

Everyone needs one of these, an any key!

Not a Rubik cube! It's an 'Irregular IQ Cube! Since I could never master the Rubik cube I'll have to pass on this one.

Every blogger needs a geeky blog T-shirt!

Most geeks can be sleepy heads in the morning. A sleepy-headed geek needs 'Clocky'!

And then when money is no object:
Top 10 Toys for Geeks who have Everything (Part Two)


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Spider Webs and Botnets

A while back I wrote about Bugs and Spiders that had reference to a humongous spiderweb. Now those spiders are at it again and are busy spinning a second spiderweb across the lake from the first web. It really makes me wonder what the heck is going on with those spiders? Scary to most people, including me, but fascinating to 'spider people'.

Another scary thing that's going on is in the cyber-world, a 'botnet'. This botnet is a web of computers that have been infected by a nasty piece of malware known as Storm. In February the estimate number of compromised computers was over a million. Since February there have been several onslaughts of phishing emails designed to entrap the un-educated into visiting websites that once visited; secretly installed the worm (or Trojan Horse) known as Storm. This storm worm then added more and more of these zombie computers to the botnet.

The problems with this botnet are many. First, no one knows who is behind it, so there is no way law enforcement can stop it. The infected computers can be used to send out spam emails and other nefarious stuff. They can be used to steal the identity of the computer users, who have no idea their computer is infected. You can read more about all of this on Storm: The Largest Botnet in the World? Keep in mind this article was written back in February. It's a lot worse by now!

About two months ago most of us received a lot of messages telling us we had received an egreeting card from someone. The messages varied; the subject could say it was from a school-mate, family member, etc. It could have said it was a greeting card, an ecard, postcard, etc. but every one of the messages told you to go to a website to collect your greeting and if you did, guess what; you got worms! If you had updated anti-virus it may have protected you, but then again, maybe not!

Then came another little jewel in email that went something like this:

"Greetings, Here is your membership info for Cat Lovers."

Then it went on to provide you with a login and password. This little missive was intended to catch more unsuspecting users and give them a little 'stormy' present!

So as much as I fear spiders (and their webs), I am much more afraid of the enormous web known as a botnet! You should be afraid as well!


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Those Wild Claims!

It seems as though almost every maker of almost everything is resorting to claims of how great their products are and why you should buy them.

There are the myriad weight loss products and each of them promises to make you lose those unwanted pounds. They all make it sound as though all you need to do is use the product and the weight will come off 'guaranteed'! But if you read the instructions you will find that in order for this product to really work, you need to follow the 'included diet plan' and 'get regular exercise'. Now maybe I am missing something here, but if you follow a diet and get regular exercise, why would you need their product?

If you haven't been annoyed by all those NutriSystem ads, lucky you! They promise you will lose weight by eating their 'delicious' meals and if you order NOW, you will get two weeks of food free. (Nothing is free if you have to buy something to get it.) Well, my theory about this and others of a similar nature is you spend all your food money on this product, it tastes so bad you can't eat it, so you lose weight. It seems as though I may be right according to someone else on 28 Days of NutriSystem.

A follow up for the above, NutriSystem: Day 5

One of the wildest claims I've seen in quite a while is for a 'memory pill'. This pill is so wonderful, it stops Alzheimer's in its tracks. It will make your memory so much sharper it's amazing! This pill will make you 33% smarter and even wake up 'dead' brain cells. I received a brochure in the mail for this fantastic pill. I can order a six month supply for only $269.70! Uh huh.

You can't read a magazine or watch TV without seeing commercials for extremely high priced medications. They are supposed to help you get better from conditions ranging from insomnia, 'restless leg syndrome', tummy aches and allergies to name just a few. Some of them are advertising products that would have been censored when TV was young. (I wish it was still like that!)

They show happy folks who have used/are using these outrageously priced drugs and supposedly all will be wonderful if you will just 'ask your doctor' if this product is right for you. (I would expect my doctor to know without me asking, but that's another story.) Then comes the disclaimer telling you about possible side effects. Just about every thing could be listed as a possible side effect, up to and including death!

Other commercials promise you such convenience to use their products. If only you take this drug for osteoporosis, you won't have to set aside time every week to take a pill. I wonder just how long does it take to take one pill?

What about all the car commercials! There is one showing a pickup truck hauling a boxcar out of a steep canyon. Well, maybe, but I have my doubts unless of course the boxcar is made of balsa wood or some other substance almost lighter than air. Another shows a truck stopping an airplane and not a little one either. I rather suspect the pilot has something to do with stopping that plane.

There is supposed to be something called 'Truth in Advertising'. I think the real truth is 'Don't believe it'! (But maybe I should order that memory pill!)


Monday, October 01, 2007


I read the labels when I shop for food. Unfortunately some of the labels require a degree in chemistry to determine what the actual ingredients are in a large percentage of supposedly edible food available in the local supermarkets.

One of the most misleading terms for ingredients listed on some labels is 'natural'. Natural for what? The food and drug industry seems to think that telling us everything is natural will somehow convince us that their products are good for us. When a label proclaims the product has 'all natural ingredients' my skeptic sense perks up. If there is anything listed that I have never heard of, I have to wonder who determines if it is natural or not.

I can tell you that although some things may be 'natural', it doesn't mean it's necessarily better to eat or drink. Take for instance bottled water. Well, it is all natural, but is it better? The water from every faucet in my house is also 'all natural'. A very well known purveyor of bottled water has recently confessed the water they sell is tap water, although they claim it has been filtered. Since I have a filter in my fridge for water and ice, is the bottled water better?

To really get nit-picky, bacteria and germs are 'natural', but I don't plan to knowing consume some of them known to kill people. Animal waste is 'natural'. A great many poisons know to kill humans are 'natural'. There are minerals that are 'natural', like lead and mercury. These natural things can kill you!

There is an entire industry of 'Natural Health' products. More than likely some of them are better for you than many of the 'Ask your Doctor' medicines that are being advertised in every conceivable way. However the only thing we know for sure about some of these 'natural' medicines is the fact that every alternative medicine purveyor is trying to get you to purchase them with some very outlandish claims that include everything from curing cancer to world peace. (OK, I made up the 'world peace' part, but you get my drift.)

I just wish that the word 'natural' could be replaced with this phrase, 'naturally occurring and maybe it is good for you or maybe not'. Pay your money and take your chances!
