Friday, April 15, 2005

Blue, Red, or United?

(I am ranting again!)

Whatever happened to the United States? I guess the verbiage on the legal tender doesn't mean much any more. You know,the statement 'United we stand, divided we fall'. It seems like this great land is no longer 'united', but instead we are 'blue states' or 'red states'. I know that this isn't really true (I hope!), but I have to wonder what kind of image or message this is sending to those countries that would like to see our mighty nation destroyed.

Why have normally intelligent people allowed this to happen? Whatever happened to the idea of voting for the person or ideas instead of voting for 'The Party'? The Democratic party is not always just what this country needs and neither is the Republican party. Each of these organizations have good ideas, but as soon as one of them announces one, the other immediately jumps on it as 'bad'.

Folks, the way I see it, there are just a few people in both parties that are fomenting the division of our land. I won't mention any names, but if you read the newspapers, listen to TV and/or the radio, you know who they are. My idea to stop this dividing of the United States? Vote these suckers out of office! Let's have just the United States once again!


Anonymous said...

I don't know but someone needs to do something about the mess. The rich get richer the poor get poorer the crooks get more crooked and they are the rich. I better hush.

Hescominsoon said...

What we need is to kick the demopublicans and republicrats out and get some others in there. The constitution party is the one i specifically support. There are also libertarian parties that i do not agree with..:) But it is time for the republicrats and demopublicans to go away.