Saturday, July 25, 2009

Insects and Scumbags

Remember that old saying 'coming/crawling out of the woodwork'?

Supposedly this pertains to insects coming out of the wooden parts of a house. In time it was used for anything unexpected or hidden, usually something unpleasant.

Today it is a good description for scammers. The scam may come in email, snail mail or the telephone. Even TV ads may just be a scam.  All of those car waranty ads come to mind, as well as ads for 'real health insurance'.

Just recently someone called my siter-in-law and tried to get her banking information by telling her there was a problem with her account.  Fortunately she is no dummy and the scammer got nothing from her and hung up when she tried to get him to tell her what bank he was calling about.

There is just about nothing these evil doers won't try to scam folks out of their money.  I hate to insult the insects, but today it's the scumbags 'coming out of the woodwork'!

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