Monday, August 26, 2013

All The Posts I Didn't Make

I've written a lot of posts for my blog that never got posted. For some reason I just can't bring myself to post stuff that's either political or religious.

I have text files all over my desktop for posts that will never be posted. Most of them are just gripes.

I gripe about politics all the time. I absolutely hate what politicians are doing to our country. These politicians that we send to Washington just need to start doing their job. They all seem to want to have it "my way or the highway". Never mind what the people want.

But you know, it's the people's fault. They don't vote or if they do vote, they just keep voting for the same folks who aren't doing their job.

Then there are the religious posts I don't make. This country was founded on freedom of religion. But there doesn't seem to be anything that sets folks off than their religion. They want everyone to believe their way. Again it's almost like "my way or the highway".

I just have one thing to say about politics, I won't argue with anyone as it never does any good. And about religion, I'm not going to say anything about your religion or mine.

Now I'm going to delete all those unfinished posts on my desktop about religion and politics and try to think of something better to write about.


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