Monday, April 07, 2008

Internet Content Thieves

Thieves are everywhere, including the Internet.

By now most of us know about identity theft and are aware of all the scams out there. But there is another form of thievery as well, stealing a website or website content.

Webmasters work hard to make their websites. The really good webmasters learn how to program with HTML and write Cascading Style Sheets, commonly know as CSS. They take pictures of the products they sell. They take care to see if the pictures don't take too long to load so their pages will load quickly. They make sure the pages are viewed the same way in all browsers, not just Internet Explorer. This process doesn't happen over night. It takes many days and sometimes nights. Content is king on the Internet and some of us have to really struggle to get that content written. Content needs to be original and not everyone really likes to write. Trial and error is the name of the game until one day they finally get it right. All the hard work pays off at last.

Then one day, someone steals their site. Literally. They steal it by using something called a 'scraper'. It seems there are some folks who decided it would be neat to write a program (which probably consists mainly of scripts) that could capture everything on a website and then post it to another site or blog. These folks offer their site stealing programs for sale and then the inevitable happens.

Someone decided to use a 'scrapper' or something similar on a Yahoo computer help Group with a lot of members, so there is a lot of 'posting' going on. While trying to find a solution to stop this streaming of posts to a blog with the very horrible name of (named no doubt to catch evil surfers). That's when I found out about scrappers or site stealers. Some time back someone on one of my Groups had their site stolen and the wonder was how they managed to do it so completely. Wondering no more, a scrapper was used!

When this article is posted to my blog I am hoping the blog with the scrapper is gone. Complaints have been filed with the bloggers host, BlogSpot, so we will see what happens. In the meantime, everyone of us that has a website/blog has to wonder, 'Will a thief target my site?'


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