Thursday, May 22, 2008

But Wait!

I don't usually like commercials. I suspect most of the viewers of the boob tube feel the same way. However we have all come to realize that commercials are the price we pay for free viewing content.

One of the biggest gripe about commercials is the fact they are so much louder than the programs. Some of them really blast out so that the mute button gets hit immediately. You would think the advertisers would have realized that by now, but it is very apparent they haven't. I don't know for sure who is to blame for this blasting of ads, the TV stations or someone else.

Some commercials can be quite entertaining, like some of the Geico and Capitol One ads. Some of the time I even watch those, except after awhile they begin to pall.

But some commercials just go a bit too far and fall into the 'Quick, hit the mute button' for most of us. Most of the 'quick hit the mute button' are the really obnoxious commercials like 'Head on' and there was a Vonage commercial that was really bad. Some more fit this category, but the ones that come to mind now are those terribly annoying commercials that want me to call now and order those junky products. What bargains they are! They will make my life so much easier! And just about all of them are only $19.95 (plus
shipping and handling). But Wait! If I order now, I will get a second product free! (In small print, plus shipping and handling. That makes it NOT free. Most all charge $7.99 for shipping and handling.)

The majority of these products are being touted by a guy named Billy Mays who must think we are all hard of hearing because he is shouting all during this spiel.

I think the mute button has to be one of the better inventions for the television industry. I sure use mine a lot!


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