Sunday, May 25, 2008

Change is Coming............But Will We Like it?

As a general rule the assumption is that change is usually good. Notice I said 'assumption'.

So far this year I have noticed a number of changes and most of them are not good.

I guess the biggest change is known by the local news pundits as 'pain at the pump'. Since I am retired and pretty much a stay at home person, that change hasn't affected me as much as the folks who have to drive to work in order to be able to pay the bills. Where I live public transportation is not generally an option as it is either very limited or not available. This is mostly due to urban sprawl and the fact most of the American people have long had a love affair with the automobile.

Another change is how much the interest rates have gone down. I guess that change is good for some folks, but I suspect it is good mostly for big business and not for the 'little guys'. The people who carry a lot of credit card debt don't seem to be benefiting any from the interest rates as not many credit card companies are lowering rates for those folks.

I don't carry debt on credit cards so that doesn't affect me. But what does affect me is how much less money I earn on my savings. Another change I could have done without.

A huge unwelcome change is how much more money it takes to buy groceries! Every time I shop for food something or several somethings have gone up in price and not by just a little bit either.

The big box retailers are trying to cut costs and most of them are doing that by cutting employees and as for customer service, that's practically non-existant now. So the poor customers are left with no one to help them make purchases and sometimes it's even hard to find someone to take their money. I wonder if those big box retailers realize that all of this 'saving money' is costing them more money in the long run?

Now the politicians are promising 'change'. So far all I have heard just makes me wonder, 'what kind of change?' I have always laughed at the old joke about 'how you can tell if a politician is lying, his lips are moving'. I am beginning to think 'change' is a bad joke, and the joke is on us.


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