Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Customer Service

Whatever happened to 'real' customer service? If you are old enough you may remember there was a time when the meaning of customer service was that someone would help you if you had a problem.

Merchants would provide this service to customers with a problem, hence the title 'Customer Service'. Years ago, there was also another phrase, 'The customer is always right'. This meant even if the customer wasn't right, the merchant would try to 'make things
right'. Sometimes merchants would even follow up with phone calls or letters to make sure a customer was satisfied with the results of contacting the 'Customer Service' department.

That was then and then there is now.

My newspaper has a column named 'The Watchdog'. The folks behind this column try to help people with problems that should have been taken care of by a now so-called Customer Service' department.

Some of the most frustrating instances seem to involve seniors, who certainly don't need to be punished by the lack of customer service. Case in point, a lady who was billed over and over again for a bill she had already paid. Numerous copies of the cancelled check were provided to no avail. If she hadn't contacted the Watchdog who managed to get the problem resolved, who knows how long this would have continued?

When the Watchdog gets involved, these problems are generally quickly solved. I suspect merchants, companies, etc. don't want to find themselves maligned in print which is read by a great many people. They manage to all of a sudden find what caused the problem and immediately get it resolved.

What I want to know, why couldn't Customer Service resolve the issues? I suspect the reasons may be lack of interest; the representatives have no real power to fix problems, not enough training and the list goes on and on. The real reason is the companies, merchants, etc. don't really care about their customers. Oh they pay lip service as in the infamous line to customers on hold, 'Your call is important to us', yadda yadda yadda. I truly believe they just hope customers will go away and stop bothering them. This is especially true for utility companies as they know there is no other place to get water, phone service, etc.

More about Customer Service later!


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