Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ruining chocolate

I used to think you couldn't ruin chocolate. I was wrong.

There was an article in the newspaper recently describing this abomination!

How can anyone be so cruel as to cover bugs with perfectly good chocolate! What a terrible way to ruin chocolate!

Some so-called gourmet folks seem to think that it's OK to waste perfectly good chocolate to cover ants, worms, roaches and other yucky things. I can't imagine eating even one of those chocolate covered ickies! Even though I consider myself a chocoholic, I still draw the line someplace and that's the line, no bugs!

Not only do these people who desecrate chocolate sell these so called treats, they even have recipes so you can make your own. Ewwwww! A Google search for 'Chocolate Covered Insects' got over 800,000 hits!

Sometimes I think I really must quit reading the newspaper, but it's such a good source of stuff to write about!


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